Free Inc. is a student filmed micro-documentary outlining contemporary cultural prejudice of body modification. As both a professional tattoo artist and as a highly tattooed individual, discrimination in the workplace is a real issue that prevents thousands of highly qualified individuals from reaching their full aspiration strictly on the basis of appearance. In 2016, when this micro documentary was made, how have we as a society not evolved past this superficial prejudice of the concept of 'beauty?' I want to personally credit Pine Needle Studios Tattoo, The Remarks, and the fellow artists that contributed time to this effort.
The first ever Martino.Studio promo video... I had a blast producing this video and want to thank everyone that participated. I also want to extend a special thank you to The Remarks for allowing me to feature their song in my vid (2017).
Just a quick little brand logo teaser video I produced as a supplement to my first promo release (2017). 
This is a promotion I created for AutoShield Columbia in early 2015.